Customer vessel needed an urgent bulk CO2 refilling at port of Tanjong Pelepas, Malaysia during weekend, as the twin tanks of vessel CO2 system had low level alarms and Class authority restricted vessel to sail to next without completing refilling of the tanks. Vessel being container carrier, had a pre-committed schedule to transit Suez Canal on a fixed date, failing which the entire port rotation will get affected, also huge commercial implications.
Our team in Singapore was called for assistance on late evening on Saturday, but cross border restrictions in place due to COVID pandemic limits traveling, however there was a dire necessity in arranging refilling activities on Sunday to meet vessel departure deadline on same evening. Contacted local Co2 plant in Malaysia to activate the plant, coordinated with vessel, Superintendent in charge, local agents, customer purchase manager to arrange local logistics and port permits which was a herculean task being on Sunday.
Another challenge was due to non-availability of sufficient hose length for refill operations, coordinated with vessel and cargo planners to lift up the tank onboard closer to refilling manifold to facilitate the quick and smoother filling operations. Both vessel tanks were topped up to the required CO2 liquid level with vessel crew assistance. Vessel departed port as per estimated time schedule.
Owners, vessel and other stake holders appreciated RMS Singapore for their perseverance and professionalism in meeting the needs of customer in a most challenging situations.