Recently, RMS Singapore facilities has been accredited with major IACS members (ABS, DNV-GL, LR, BV, Class NK and CCS), with a strong service team built to undertake the services onboard, which includes, life boat services and shore based services such Gas detection, temperature and pressure calibrators and UTI meters etc.
Also, we are putting together life raft exchange programme in key ports worldwide at competitive pricing. Lifeboat annual inspection fixed fee proposal is next in our offering.
Leveraging its extensive experience and industry expertise, combined with the global resources of RMS Group as a leading one stop marine service provider, RMS Singapore is poised to take good care of all the LSA/FFA related services from lifeboat/raft and calibration services to portable and fix gas detection system, making your voyage simpler and safer.
RMS Marine & Offshore Service (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
Add: 20 Tuas Avenue 6 Singapore 639307
Tel: +65-62686269
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